Saturday, November 15, 2008

Worship changes how you treat people

This weekend at Freedom Valley, we are exploring how worship makes you better to live with.

Because who wants to live with a grouch?

It is fun to live with someone who chooses to look at the positive, is thankful,  has such a good attitude that other people's bad attitude doesn't even affect them.

Paul was one of those people. He chose to forget his painful episodes of his past, and focus on what had and was going right. He didn't waste time talking about all that went wrong, or choosing to remember those places where great pain happened. He kept focusing on the things that went right, the people who changed for the better, and the greatness that he was reaching for. He became noble instead of average, healthy instead of bitter, positive instead of negative.

I want to be like that. That's why I worship.


  1. It was a great message today, Gerry. It was really encouraging.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
