Wednesday, November 05, 2008

best years ahead

This morning in my prayer time, the Holy Spirit told me very simple, but very powerful things:

1. This will nevertheless be the church's finest hour. We flourish when times are tough, and stand strong in the face of... well,... mockery, sin, and even our own death. Persecution only seems to make us stronger, and ill winds are still "worked together for good to those who love the Lord".

2. This will be our time to shine. Character, godliness, forgiveness, and joy will still be our strength. Our society may be going down, but the church is on the rise, and going to win.

Never has there been a better time for good people to rise up and be counted. Scarcity only makes us shine more!

1 comment:

  1. I have had a feeling of impending doom for sometime now, but I think you hit it. It is going to be tough but fruitful.
