Saturday, November 22, 2008

trying to think it through

What would Adam's County and the surrounding counties be like, if the spiritual water level was raised here by three degrees?

The plan we are discussing is ambitious, huge, and far reaching if we think of it in terms of what has been done n other places around the country. If I recall correctly, it was Barna or some such researcher who said that they have not yet found one county in America that is gaining in market share, defined as more people attending church now than there were 10 years ago.

Maybe ours could be one such county, if we succeed at planting 10 churches, and discipling 3000 new believers.

But could three degrees really make a difference? Could the general public, or even the churches really feel it if 3000 more people, or 3% more of our county attend church? This may be a huge number as measured by other communities and whether it's been done before. But is seems small if measured against what someone said was the national average of 17% church attendance. It only brings it to 20% at best! I want to celebrate possible growth without losing a passion for the other 80%!

For now, I need to build some ideas of what it could look like if our county grew in church attendance by 3%! Here are some of my little ideas. I'd love to hear some of yours.

1. These 3000 new believers would be passionate, not sleepy attendees! New life could come into everything because of their passion!

2. Person responsive to the gospel are often responsive because of personal crisis going on inside of them. Could that mean that we could disproportionately reach those who might be in desperate places, like those who might be headed for legal troubles, crisis, divorce court, and even prison? Could we even reduce the financial burden of our legal system by reaching these 3000? 

3. New people in each church would mean a disrupted norm for every church that participates. Could we hope for each church to reorganize into something more focused on the mission Jesus gave us? I am certainly hoping for that in Freedom Valley! Disturb us Lord, right Jess? (Your tag line at the bottom of every email)

How else could it make a difference? Let's build a compelling list of how God might use us if we step out of our comfy little boats... Help me everybody, will you?


  1. This vision should certainly cause some of our current "sleepy attendees" to make the jump to hyperspace as well. In fact, we need to pursue this with ferocity between now and summer 2010 because there are 1000 people sitting in our "pews" week after week who could catch excitement over vision this large.
    As one pastor said, "This HAS to be a God thing!"

  2. You have no idea how privileged I feel to be on the inside circle of something this significant.
    I love you Gerry!

  3. Water boils at 212, not 209. Yes, three degrees are significant.

  4. Great point, J. I love that thought
