Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Jocelyn's legacy

So last summer, when we lost our precious Jocelyn, her family (and all of us) ask for the consolation prize of 100 salvations. As of October, we are something over 150 I think. Rick (her dad) said recently that he decided to go ahead and ask for 1000 now. I'm with him.

I was sharing the Holy Spirit plan for those 1000 today with Tom Rees at Bootcamp. And I was selling the plan to plant 10 new churches out of the Signs and Wonders festival (and another 2000 salvations) with Johannes in 2010. I was deeply engrossed in trying to help Tom understand my little ideas, when I noticed something moving beside me. I looked up and suddenly realized that a large crowd of guys had gathered around and eyes were glistening with excitement and even a little emotion.

The ideas started flowing. "You really think this can work?" one guy sort of whispered behind me. I thought he was talking to me and started to answer when like 3 other people chimed in with comments like "you must not have been listening. Certainly this can work!"

One guys said, "I think we should get General Council to pay for this thing, giving all 10 churches away to other organizations, and showing that we are real Kingdom players." Pastor Brian Bolt chimed in at that point and said "Forget General Council- I want to help invest in something like this. I'm gonna go home and write you a check as fast as I can. I want in!"

It's a set of crazy ideas that seem to be catching on like wildfire. The ramifications are amazing! What could one county be like if the water level of spirituality came up 1% in a year, then 2 more percent in a subsequent year, with 10 new churches in place! 

Could we see God do crazy stuff like this in our day? I think He could and he MIGHT use these amazing churches in Adam's County to do it.

Tonight I was telling my two sons about this and they got SO excited they said they might not be able to sleep. They went to their bedrooms more to pray than sleep I bet.


  1. !!!!
    My excitement is beyond words.

  2. Man, this is big. Bigger than anything I could imagine.

  3. God is a good God and His fingerprints are all over this thing!
