Wednesday, November 19, 2008

what a great day!

Today we met with 12 Pastors in our community who are as serious about making a difference as we are. They got excited about our plan to plant 10 churches- helping them plant their first church. They also got excited about about thousands of new beleivers, and about this never having been done in America before. That God could do something cool and unique to help America get back on track again.

Jim Ruddy did an amazing job. I was realy inspired and helped as he talked about Abraham's journey into an uncomfortable place, a place that God would give him.

And the guest Pastors responded enthusiastically to the idea that we could be part opf making history here- all together! This could be Book of Acts kind of stuff, and I am very excited about getting to live a bit of it out. 

One of my favorite quotes from Johannes as we hit the streets to do witnessing in downtown Kathmandu; " we are gonna go do some crazy stuff, with God". I'm dreaming of crazy stuff like the Book of Acts, here.


  1. That will get you up in the morning!

  2. I am getting quite excited about harvest cry. =] quite excited indeed. =]]]
