Monday, October 06, 2008

my problem with laws

I was pretty discouraged at New Oxford Borough Council tonight. We took the second of four steps to increase taxes, and I was the only one to vote no on it.

As President of the Borough Council, I generally cannot even vote, but I called for a roll call vote so that I would have the privilege of registering my lonely no vote. It passed anyway of course, and I can be okay with democracy in the long run.

But then we passed a change to an ordinance to fine people whose grass grows to 8" tall. (It was 12"). And we talked about a number of other problems the town has, all of which had someone proposing a new law. No truck parking in town, no skate boarding, no new residents without registering at the town office, no parking within a block of the square, are just a few that we considered or are considering.

Maybe I was not aware of how deeply held is my aversion to laws, and especially to new taxes, is. We seem to be in a law making frenzy and I cannot seem to slow or stem the tide!

My spiritual gifting is mercy, leadership, and teaching. I guess it is the mercy gift that makes me reluctant to enforce new laws on people, and tell other people what to do. But it is also a belief that laws should be kept simple, and we should be reluctant to tell others what they must do, leading by example, PERSONAL, not governmental discipline, and that government should restrain itself and give every freedom possible.

But I sure feel like a lonely reed, blowing in the wind. I have few friends in this pursuit.

It strikes me that as American society, we seem to be less and less respectful of God's laws, but more and more enamored with our own ability to control each other.

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