Wednesday, February 18, 2009

great letter

I was very impressed by this letter from Jeff Wilson (Pastor, Heritage Assembly) to the group of churches that are considering joining us for Harvest Cry... Thi is a really good word for us.

Good morning Men of God,
I was reflecting on the meeting with Johannes from a week ago.  What a tremendous time it was to be with you all and to feel the Father's pleasure as we came together.
I can't help but to think that principalities and powers stood back as they saw the beginnings of what we could do if we were united.
I appreciated the leaders meeting before the service and thought and told Gerry that I felt he did an excellent job of presenting.
The thing that impressed me was that for that moment we were together in this thing.  It was nothing short of glorious.  I cannot tell you how much love I have for all of you.  You are my brothers and I thank God for each of you and the gift that you are to the body of Christ.
Having said that I want to caution us as to how fragile a thing unity is.  Several times over the last two decades I have been a part of prayer groups that were on the verge of doing something together for God.  Those same principalities and powers that stood still for a money are working now.  And the sad thing is that they are working in us. 
R.T. Kendal wrote that "the Holy Spirit comes on foot, and He leaves on horseback."  We need to handle this Kingdom very carefully.  Let's be careful how we speak of and to one another in this hour.  Let's put old grievances aside and bury them for the sake of the Kingdom. 
If we are to do something together God will use each of the gifts we are to the body.  The Holy Spirit is smart enough to know our bents.  Each of us and our individual fellowships are a part of the whole, and each is needed to do what God is doing in this region.
The evangelist in one works alongside of the church planter, the discipler, the teacher, the prophet, intercessor and so forth.  We need each other. 
Brothers, I implore you, let's walk carefully in this hour. 
I want you to know that my vision 23 years ago was to see churches planted around Heritage.  When it happened, I was angry and what I was angry about was that it wasn't me doing it.  God has and is helping me to deal with me.  We have a need for strong ethnic works here in the area, there are areas, cultural groups and peoples that may never attend our churches, but that is not to say that they won't attend something geared to them.
If Carl Harris and First Baptist would plant a church, I would be behind him 100% because I know Carl and  love him.  Furthermore, I trust Carl, his heart, his passion, his integrity.  The same could be said for Jim, Gerry, the Bobs or anyone else. 
It may or may not happen.  We may be a couple of years from seeing it come together or it could come together miraculously.  If we won't work together, God will send in others who will.  I know that the Evangelical Free Church was looking to plant in this area, as were the Free Methodists.  If they send folks in, will we love them, embrace their particular qualities that are different than ours, and accept them?  I would hope so.  
For the sake of the Kingdom of God, let's give each other the benefit of the doubt, and work with rather than against one another.
I think you know me well enough to know, I honor you all and feel privileged to be in an area where men of God are meeting together, and going beyond the surface in our relationships.
For Christ's Kingdom,
Jeff Wilson


  1. I read that there are *12* area churches that are interesting in planting churches? Are you able to list those churches on your blog, or is it not really being "made public" yet, if you know what I mean?

    God bless!

    (I live in the area and listen to your sermons online.)
