Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Valley Forge Christian College

Yesterday I spent the full day at Valley Forge Christian College. What an exciting bunch of meetings!

Our first meeting of the day was with the Academic Dean Phil McLeod. He was incredibly helpful with our plan to do a church leadership school focused on training church planting teams. He helped us envision the possibilities and offered us his expertise so very generously.

The bottom line is that a plan is developing to offer students and much larger and more robust suite of classea and traing at Freedom Valley. We can now offer all levels of classes, and reshape the classes in a style and system that work well for our students. He offered us library resources , guidance in building a system where students can opt to study at Freedom Valley for a full calendar year to develop church planting expertise and practice, and so much more!

Essentially, I believe Valley Forge is now on track to partner with us to build an incredible excellent church planting school. Additionally, the work that we develop can empower many other churches to do a similar thing on their campus and a minimal cost! This is incredible, exciting, and powerful.

Then we met with a group of students that want to explore the possibility of becoming church planters with us. We also had individual interviews with a number of them that are deeply exploring the option of coming this summer!

And then I was interviewed in Tom Rees' class for Developing Outreach and Dsicipleship! The Holy Spirit seemed to enter that room and students seemed to be encouraged in their call to make disciples.

Great day. Thank you Jesus.

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