Wednesday, March 25, 2009


One of my dreams is coming true. One of my nightmares too.

I dream of helping world leaders discover their callings, polish and sharpen their leadership sword, and send them out to utterly annihilate something evil.

There is just nothing quite as satisfying to my soul. 

And it is happening again right now. 11 new churches are currently being designed, dreamed, and deployed. It is incredibly exciting! I have long dreamed of a moment like this.

The nightmare part is whether or not i can hold faith in such a fast moving, exciting, and completely scary environment. Half my staff is being promoted to a church plant. The other half is scrambling to shift their own callings, adjust their portfolios, and fill the needs with the next round of ministry trainees, leaders, and future devil-chasers.

If I can hold on, not swerve, not give up, and not run for cover, I believe God is about to do things in my day that even I will not believe AS I WATCH IT HAPPEN!

Holy Spirit, your word says that you pray for me.

I need you now.

1 comment:

  1. i truly admire you.
    you are an incredible inspiration and one of the best leaders i have ever seen.
    i am honored to be able to call you my pastor.
