Friday, March 13, 2009

church planting team means team leaders

Leadership, ironically, is about leading leaders. 

So we hope to develop and send out strong church planting teams who can lead strong churches right from the start.

I am excited about sending out teams of at least 5; Lead Pastor, Administrator, Children's Pastor, Youth Pastor, and Worship Leader. That should start strong churches because it involves the commitment of 5 key leaders, all of whom will bring their friends, neighbors and co-workers into the project.

But recently as I was seeking the Lord about this, I felt Him open up some ideas for additional team leaders. These are just ideas on how to round out the team with spiritual gifts in operation and a full(er) slate of committed people at the core.

Perhaps these could be added: Evangelism and outreach director; this person could organize and outreach, service to the community, friend day, or other kind of event monthly or twice a month to help us focus of bringing people in.

Hospitality: (also known as Third Place Manager) this person would arrange for all the hospitality needs of the body each week, such as greeters, ushers, the information table, provide a collection of materials for sale to the body, and CD's or recorded material for sale and for uploading to the website. 

Prayer: arrange a monthly prayer event or time of fasting,  altar prayer warriors for during worship or after the service, etc. He/she could also take care of hospital calls, visitations for people who are hurting, prayer teams who minister during the services or outreaches, etc. This could really improve our ability to reach people and be the body of Christ!

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