Friday, March 20, 2009

Hope generates the future harvest

People with hope are always generous. Without hope, there is no reason to believe that generosity makes sense.

A hopeful person easily believes that if I sow generously, I will reap generously. A generous harvest makes it possible for me to give more again.

A hopeless person doesn't give because they cannot believe in the value of giving. To them, there is no hope that giving will actually help, or that generosity makes a difference. God loves cheerful givers because they are a lot like him- cheerful in giving their best. Grudging givers probably ought to keep their money.

He generously supplies us with the ability to give, because our giving becomes seed He can use to multiply back a harvest to us. One seed can turn into 30, 60, or a hundred fold return, blessing the giver back abundantly. God even supplies the seed to givers so that they CAN sow a crop and become blessed harvesters!

I LOVE this system.  Simple, effective, and empowers me to build my own future. 

Love it.


  1. Could you point me to the Scripture passages that says that God blesses our seed offerings ("30, 50, 60 times...")? Thanks!!

  2. I Cor 9:6-8. Also 2 Cor 8.
