Monday, September 08, 2008

a new church is under way!

I was teaching leadership last week our of Luke 10, when suddenly the Holy Spirit began teaching me again.

The harvest is plentiful, therefore ask the Lord of the harvest. It was like I saw it again for the first time. It seems that The Lord of the Harvest is especially speaking to me about seeking Him for the harvest- especially for workers to work in the harvest field!

I want to explore this a lot further. I need God to teach me a lot more about seeing the harvest, asking Him to help me harvest, and how to send out workers into the harvest field.

And I am rejoicing over harvest coming in. Some of the kinds of exiting harvest:

1. Connection Pointe church launched yesterday. More than 90 people answered 15,000 flyers in a Tampa suburb and our newest church pant was born. We are very excited to have a small role in this one, and believing God for all the best. Steve and Tracy Wulf have planted before and done well, but this one feels like it is going to a whole new level!

2. Gettysburg Master's Commission is off and running again! I love it when our building fills up with these exciting, passionate, hard working leaders-in-the-making. 8 first year students, and 6? second year students are back. I look forward to seeing some of our best leaders ever emerge from this group.

3. Freedom Christian School is growing and off to another great year!

4. Shining Stars just finished a great year, with an extremely well done year-ending-event involving many other ministries to the handicapped, community groups, and time spent encouraging our precious kids.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the write up Gerry, and most of all, thanks for all the prayers and the support that has gone up for the Connection Point. We are off to a good start, and the real work begins now. It's our desire to connect and point people to a real God who loves them desperately.

    Thank you Freedom Valley for believing in us!

