Monday, August 11, 2008

of weddings and such

So, Shawna's wedding was a resounding bell in my life. My child-rearing days are rapidly passing by me. There are things about fathering the little guys that I will always miss- almost as much as I resented them when they existed.

I'll miss my kids needing me when I get home. They wanted to jump on me, have me take the places, ask for help with homework, or yell at me to fix their computer. Some days I dreaded coming home for all the stuff I would have to do.

Yup. I miss it.

They wanted to wrestle me, get horsey rides from me, go to the park for swing rides, and have their monthly 'date-with-Dad' (each). They wanted me to bless them at night witgh my hands on their heads as I prayed a blessing over them.

Miss it.

Not that this stage is bad. I love talking politics with Evan, or ministry with Luke, -who is actually preaching at one of our site churches this weekend. I like talking cars, and kidding about girlfriends, and helping out with projects. I like having two terrific sons-in-law.

Evan and I had an incredible conversation lately about leadership. Shawna and I have talked about a lot of things. Candace and I cried together a bunch about that dog Sam, who had the unmitigated gall too die on us two weeks ago.

Love this stage.

All-in-all, our chidren are the most incredible human beings I can imagine. They are honest, Godly, visionary, and smart. They are funny, creative, and passionate human beings. I cannot imagine being a happier Dad than I am.

And I don't miss the past much, or often. Just when weddings and funerals come around, as they have a lot lately. And when I see myself in wedding pictures and wonder how I got so... much older.


  1. Your assessment of your kids is accurate. Keep showing us how to.

  2. Anonymous7:32 AM

    It is sad, but true, our kids grow up all too quickly and then they are on their own. Now we have to believe, and have faith, that the Lord will guide and direct their steps in the path that HE has chosen for them.
