Saturday, September 27, 2008

following Jesus to... well just follow

On our journey into the Top Seven belief's of the Bible, we are about to take a serious plunge into a the wildest, craziest part yet.

Interesting that in John 14, as Jesus begins to talk about it, he keeps saying "trust me". It almost sounds ominous, like there is going to be something following that we may or may not like.

"Don't let your hearts be troubled", is an interesting start! 

But he doesn't stop there! "Believe in me" .  You just KNOW it's gonna be tough when a leader got to lead with that.

The thing is, I have discovered that a LOT of people want a ramped up personality. We want to be that person that is always the life if the party, or at least "on" when we need to be. Personally, I want to be "pastoral" all the time, where I am so full of Jesus that I am hugging people, offering everyone an encouraging word, and basically so full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self-control, that anyone can saunter by and get some of what they need off of me.

To be that person, I have to get (and stay) full of the Spirit of God. I get to follow Jesus, and trust Him on where He takes me.  There is more potential in me if I don't always have to figure out where I am going, because I am following someobody who knows where He is going! I get a personal mentor, and encouragement to take a deep breath and relax.

Being that person means I have to unlearn a lot of coping skills, habits, and ideas I picked up from those whose minds are smaller than the Jesus I am following. I have to embrace a new personality and let it be formed in me. I like the journey, but frequently I need to remember his words about "trust me", and "just follow".

Good stuff.

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