Thursday, January 10, 2008

what a day!

I spent hours today hearing about a dear friend who recently came to grips with being sodomized and also watching his sister get raped by his Dad when he was a kid. Years of help is bringing him to a healthy place, however, which is very cool.
And I got rebuked by about 3 people. It was in love, and some of it deserved, by it still stings. Not funny how much things like that bother me. It takes me awhile to work through some stuff like that.
The next few weeks are unbelievably busy. God, I'll need your grace to not get stressed about it.
But I am blessed beyond measure, and work for a great God. He is so kind to me, and I love Him for it.
Tomorrow afternoon I take Shawna to the airport. It is amazingly tough to let her go again. And then we go to Evan's basketball game.
Father, help my boy do well and grow as a player. You have given him great favor with coaches and players, fans, and referees. Would you also bless Him with great skill, and help him achieve his goals of going to a great school on a scholarship? I am asking you to give him 25 point games, and even beyond, so that he can achieve these lofty goals, and become the influence for you that he dreams of. And would you bless him with success in finally getting his car back o the road this week, please?
Thank you God for all that you have helped him achieve already, and how kind you are to him in so many ways. And for the joy of watching him use his gifts and dreaming with him about a bright future.
Which makes me want to ask you for Candace and Aaron- blessings for new and better jobs, new friends, and a deep church connection in Lancaster.
And for Luke and his wonderful friends- please bless him with opportunities to use his talent for you, and to bring his school friends and acquaintances into The Kingdom!

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