Thursday, January 24, 2008

conspiracy afoot

I've had some tough years and some amazing ones, and faced ridiculous odds. I have seen conspiracies and felt others that may or may have not existed.

And I hear stories. Some Pastors have their leadership team create havoc behind their back, and attack them even when they do well.

But this week, my leadership conspired together to bless Julie and I and encourage us. They spoke encouragement over us, prayed over us, anointed us, and chose to speak on our qualities instead of our shortcomings.

I appreciate them so much. It reminds me of the list of David's Mighty Men, who gained their friendship with the King due to their intense and loyal support, and being there for him when the chips were down. My team has also been there for me, and become so trustworthy in good times and bad.

My prayer is that God would bless them so greatly. They have been willing to suffer long, be underpaid, and some of them pay for the privilege of working for God. They have taken the criticisms, weathered the storms, and stepped in front of bullets meant for me. I am amazed at their strength, and encouraged by their faith.

May their return be 100-fold, so that they can give as they have always wished to give.

An amazing statement, that. But it's true, of them. And I am honored to know them, and serve them, and be their friend.

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