Thursday, January 17, 2008

the 5'th most powerful day?

I can only remember 4 other days in my life that felt as powerful as today feels. Those 4 days were when each of my four children were born. As I held them for the first time, emotions washed over me, and a sense of destiny gripped me that felt like it would explode my humanity into 10 thousand pieces.

I'll try to explain; last night I arrived in Springfield, Missouri, the home of General Council Headquarters, along with 8 other ministers, who were invited here to meet with our newly elected International Leaders; George Wood and Alton Garrison. We had dinner at George Wood's home last night, and spent all day today in his office.

We came because we had been a group of people who had offered an amendment to the Constitution and By-laws of the AG that would bring major change (and we hope Kingdom growth) to this movement. The motion failed, but our national officers wanted to hear more about why we felt it should have passed.

We had dinner, and they listened to our hearts for hours. This morning as we gathered together again, George Wood, our General superintendent offered his own ideas on how to get OUR idea done! Bottom line- what we thought could take years to work on and waste countless hours of time, could possibly be accomplished far more simply and effectively, and be done by June of this year!

I can hardly stop weeping about this whole thing, and here's why. I believe this has potential to literally bring hundreds of thousands of people into The Kingdom over the next 10 years or so. I honestly believe this has potential to be a catalytic energy to the entire Kingdom of God, especially the slow growing church here in America! This could be one of the biggest changes ever made to our movement, adding fuel to a hot fire, and ushering Christ's Kingdom much sooner!

It's a simple idea, but the implications are profound! The idea; let some churches create a district with the AG that would have authority to create a new organizational model. This new structure could build on the enormous qualities that God has blessed our past with, while creating something much newer and more effective for today.

Because we think our structure was great (even awesome) for 100 years ago, but inadequate for what God is doing today. We thing structure should follow function and support it, not the other way around. We think a structure is possible that could bring incredible momentum to our movement, not hold it back as much as our current structure seems to. And, we think we should have some way to experiment until we find something that works.

This could be it.

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