Tuesday, November 20, 2007

people with real faith

I am impressed with the kind of faith Freedom Valley South Hanover showed Sunday night. Several more people stepped up a lot, to offer their help with worship, kids, food, and all kinds of other great things. They even invented their own great things to do for God and for His people.

I was very impressed and very encouraged.

And then tonight, I met with 4 possible new church planters, who are putting their faith to work for new churches that they are believing into existence. We are working our way through the book Launch by Nelson Searcy, and excitement builds as we discuss the mountains that need to be moved to get there. I got so encouraged by their enthusiasm and thorough preparation, that I found the courage myself to ask God for one or two more of them! (church planters).

These meetings were so encouraging as they were sandwiched between other meetings where the topic had more to do with ways I failed to serve other people well. I am such a pathetic leader in a lot of ways. I often wonder what God was thinking when He called me. He is so gracious to me, allowing me to do the work that I love so much, and helping me even enjoy it a LOT most days.

Last night I participated in a Memorial service for Wendy Kadish's mom Pat Markle. When I gave people an opportunity to raise their eyes and look at me if they wanted to start a walk with Jesus, admit they need forgiveness, and start toward eternal life, about 8 or 20 people looked up. Some of them were people I had prayed for a long time. God help them take the next steps and get an authentic and eternal relationship going with their heavenly father.

This weekend as I prayed over the many people who give at Freedom Valley, I was moved with how much I love them and love serving them. I really have the best job ever, and love it so much. God, you are so kind to allow me to do this work. Please bless each of these families and individuals so much for all their generosity and for putting up with me. Let these generous givers find a gracious harvest, and experience their abundant God using them in mighty ways.

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