Tuesday, October 16, 2007

end of an angry day

I'm angry.

Today I spent an hour with a man whose drug addiction killed his marriage, a woman whose husband's infidelity's looks like it will kill hers, a teen whose Dad left the family to do drugs, some gorgeous little girls whose Mom committed suicide over a drug high, talked on the phone with a man who kept catching his wife doing pot with their son, and spent time driving the roads to talk a man back into the Freedom House. I also talked to two Pastors who are discouraged enough by criticisms to simply want to quit, and a missionary who can't seem to get support for his very successful mission work from his peers.

It feels like I left some things out. But the bottom line is, I'm tired, frustrated, and a bit angry. I love what I do, but somewhere I hit overload.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Saw your comments last night. Sorry for the rough time. I am sure it is hard and can seem like you always dealing with the broken pieces of everyone elses messes. I pray God gives you strength, wisdom and his compassion for those you are called to love.


  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    We are here praying for you, but remember it is God's will and God's right to heal and not our human responsibility to bear these burdens alone. Trust in Him, lean on Him and we're behind you all the way. We're here if you need us, just as much as you're there for us!
