Friday, February 01, 2008

my valley forge class

A couple of days ago, I was interviewed for an "outreach and evangelism" class at Valley Forge Christian College. Tom Rees, my good friend, was the interviewer.

He asked the class to briefly share ideas with each other about crazy or effective ideas they have heard churches try to reach people. One guy mentioned a church that once purchased a tattoo parlor because of a Bible Study that has started in that place.

He told them that I was the Pastor of that church, and asked me to share about the tattoo parlor venture. I did, and about other things we have tried. I guess I forgot how many goofy things we tried, many of which did not work well.

Over the years, Tom has been called at the District office a few times, and someone would tell him of one more goofy thing we tried. He would always back us up, saying how glad he was that we would do almost anything to help someone know Jesus. He is always so kind in that way, and so encouraging.

But I noticed something else too. God always moves on me when I talk about reaching people with the gospel. I have retold certain stories many times, yet when I get to the part where people open up their hearts to their Creator, I often get choked up about it. Not only does it never get old to experience someone coming to Christ, nor does it get old to talk about it. It is among the most powerful experiences I have ever had.

Amazing, that. I really do have the best job in the world.

With God's help, I am asking for 150 baptisms in water in 08. That is a lot of new memories, and a lot of great stories to choose from. But the thing is, God gives me a lot of the things I ask for, and I want to ask for really important things.

1 comment:

  1. gerry, I love reading your blog - I check it almost everyday, but that black background and white lettering makes me feel like I'm about to go into a seizure or something. I can usually only read a paragraph at a time and then uncross my eyes. Any chance of changing it a little?

    By the way, if you're at liberty to share it, who is the young couple you were talking about?
