Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today was heavy. I got a letter from Penn Township, showing confusion about our discipleship ministry there. Either we get that figured out, or we will need to move the house I guess.

And our former leader there made a huge mess with some serious sin. Sin is so messy and so hard to clean up, and there is really no such thing as what two people do in private in their own bedroom. It affects everybody, like it or not, and makes life painful and miserable for everyone if they do not understand the "rules of engagement". It seems like most people do not even know what those rules are, and don't want to know. Selfishness rules the day in most of our lives I guess.

But the exciting thing is, there is a new leader coming and I think this one is really going to work out, helping us make the huge difference we really hope to make there.

There are so many opportunities, but new skills and new competencies are needed. We need the Holy Spirit to help us find more ways to bring the fish in, and help them live functional, happy, worthwhile lives. This next season is going to be great if we can keep up with the Holy Spirit.

With God's help, I would always like to be the guy I was last week in the services. God gave me words of prophecy, strong encouragements, and a boat load of power breakthroughs at the altar. A pastor (who I never met) confessed adultery and wept with me about the awful cost of his sin. He lost his family, his church and job, and everything he had worked for so far.

Then there was the man struggling with episodes of unreasonable fear, and the young lady aching because her heart was broken. And so many others. I got to lead each and every one to the throne of grace and ask God to meet them there. He did. Things changed.

My daughter Shawna called from Sweden this morning, breaking my heart with happiness and joy over what God is doing in her there!

I got another email from another man who is dreaming of another church and another way to help people discover Jesus. He is praying about starting a biker church here at Freedom valley! Ad that to my friend who preached a funeral where 20 people got saved and a church is breaking out of that! And so much more!

You could easily make a long list right now of things going wrong here at freedom valley. But why bother? God is bringing so much good out of our flimsy attempts to do church, with us, without us, and often in spite of us! I love Him so much for allowing me along for the ride!

I feel like I could write for hours tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Keep writing.....As I pray for you and the other leaders of the church every morning, this helps me so much! Pat B
