Wednesday, September 05, 2007

marriages, my daughter, and a litte trip out west

So, tonight Shawna finally actually flew out to Sweden. Thanks everybody for praying with us about it. After more than a month of wrestling with visa problems, she is on her way. I am proud of her and way emotional. Anybody have survival tips for a proud but emotional Dad?


And a dear Pastor-friend's marriage is in big trouble. Weird deceptions, and manipulations are in play in an unimaginable horror to work through. Please pray with me, even though I cannot tell you his/her name.

Vaughn Crago and I are on our way back from a motorcycle trip to Montana to see his folks and ... to see Montana. Awesome stuff. Does anybody have any idea how much open, unpopulated space there is out there? It makes me want to drag some of the "this earth is over-populated" people out there and make them sit through the mind numbing hours of driving 80 miles an hour and seeing no one! Like the man said, "if it's too populated where you live- move!"

God sure made this country beautiful. But right now I just want to see my beautiful wife, sons, and daughter again (the one that still lives in Gettysburg,). There is no scenery on earth that matches that.


  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Thanks so much for keeping us updated!

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Hi Pastor Gerry, Just catching up on your blogs. I forget they are here now that you are not blogging on myspace.
    My son, Lawrence and my sister Katrina have both been to Montana. Larz,(his new name the youth group gave him), did his DTS for YWAM and my sis traveled with a friend to the open spaces. They were both awestruck with the scenery and openness also. Each one wants to go back to visit! Larz could live there!
    I enjoyed reading your blogs and will keep your prayer requests before the Lord. I'm sure I'll see you in passing at FVWC sometime. You are important to me and the kingdom of God. Take care, Linda
