Friday, September 14, 2007

I want a voice

How would I go about making any kind of permanent difference on this culture?

So I am at a 25 year class reunion tonight. As we traded stories, I started thinking about all the pain and sadness in the room. Parents who are angry that their denomination sold them out and stopped teaching the Bible, trading it for socially "acceptable" teachings rather than trusting the Bible to be truth, even for American me-isms.

There were friends who were grand parents too young, because a 17 year old son had sex. There was a divorce... no, make that divorces. There was cancers that came from sin, ... and you get the picture. So much pain.

"My people perish for lack of knowledge" the prophet said. It's amazing how we are the most learned and scientifically rich society ever, but so out of control, and in so much pain because of our lack of self control, and our unbelief that God's ideas are realistic for today.

So, Lord, would you help me find a way to communicate truth, and help people avoid the pain? Help me use the TV show, the pulpit, the internet, and everything within my power to affect my world. Most of all, please give us the gift of revival in my time, before we all destroy ourselves with endless pain and the medication to make it dull.

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