Every 6 weeks I get to meet with my heroes. These men and women (thanks for being along Alicia!)have left lucrative careers, free time, and hobbies behind to pursue the one thing they feel God called them to do; organize a new salvation-healing-and vision-fulfilling machine. We call these machines, a local church.
Church planters risk it all. They stay up nights, reading about strategies, learning how to walk like Jesus, and trying to understand how to lead. (it's way tougher than it looked to me decades ago). They love people who criticize their vision, and believe into existence something that does not even exist, while many question whether or not it SHOULD exist.
They are willing to raise their own families while raising themselves up into leaders. They are willing to give more than anyone else. Then they give more. They love people who they know sit in the back and criticize pretty much everything they do, hoping that one day the critic will get it.
On the days they feel too tired to even move, one more person calls in crisis, and they give up an extra half hour of sleep to listen, pray, and believe for one more miracle. Many of these men and women give past their own breaking point. Then they get up early to do it again. And to do more of it.
Around them, God has placed an even gutsier group of people who work with them, give, believe with them, and invite their friends to church. Each one of them live to see others receive the grace of God, enjoy freedom from their past, and grow toward their vision for life.
I love the church so much. Heroes walk among us.
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Gerry, it was such a joy to be along for the meeting. I got so much out of it. I hope in the future, I am able to attend more. Alicia