Sunday, January 17, 2010

watching a new site emerge

I feel like I'm in a birthing room.

I'm sitting in the Freedom Valley York Road sanctuary around people that have been Freedom Valley York Road people. There's about 80 people in the room I guess.

But they won't be long. York Road people that is. This is one of the kick off meetings for a new Freedom Valley site, called The Intersection; "where faith and creativity meet". In this meeting Jeremiah is challenging the group to walk by faith into the creation of a new site of Freedom Valley.

In about 6 weeks, this groups will kick off monthly meetings. In about 7 months, they plan to kick off services every Sunday.

You can feel the energy in the room as people step out in scary new faith. There are a lot of possibilities felt. And energy. Everything feels possible, in fact. Faith is running high like the energy after a huge caffeine jolt, where you feel ready to take on something big, and you feel invincible.

We've been involved in the starting of a lot of new sites, churches, re-plants, and ministries. A lot. But this will be different- we hope. This time we will build on the many mistakes, the many false starts, and the many issues that we have had to learn to conquer over the past decade or more.

I think the worst word ever spoken in the house of God is "lay". Lay people, lay ministers, lay whatever. There are no lay people in The Kingdom. We are all ministers. It's tough to describe the difference between ministers and non-ministers because there isn't any. At least not in calling. We are a "Kingdom of priests", where the only differences are where you minister or IF you minister. Not whether you are called.

A new site/plant causes more people to step up and feel needed. More people to use their gifts and develop themselves. More people to ask themselves if they too could step up to greatness in God. More people to begin believing Kingdom truths and living by them. I love that energy and vitality.

And I am sitting in God's birthing room as He does it again.

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