Tuesday, March 25, 2008

the vision meeting tonight

Tonight we prayed about, considered, and discussed some challenges:

1. Worship space; we are over-full
2. Existing mortgage of 1.2 million
3. Organizational deficiencies; we need to grow significantly in how we do church
4. Perception vs. reality; in many ways, people have to adjust what they think versus what we are. For example, newer people commonly perceive us to be a small church, then have to adjust their expectations for a larger size.

And some possible solutions:

1. 3-5 year “Buy a square foot campaign”
-Add an additional Sunday service by Fall
-Create non-traditional seating outside sanctuary
-Build additional leadership teams + add services

2. A one-year campaign for the new facility
-$50,000 a month, or 500 squares
-Currently about $13,000 monthly for building
-Building happens as the money is in!
-Every ministry would need to do serious sacrifice

3. Borrow $600,000, build immediately

4. Move Sunday morning services off site

Essentially, we decided to do the #1 solution, although we are hoping to get it done a lot quicker than 3-5 years. A campaign will be kicked off on the second Sunday of next month.

Soul Space campaign (call "soul space" because it represent room for souls to come to Christ)

a. added to Missions Campaign week (2nd week of the month)

b. 6 square feet (600 sq ft) is a Soul Space

c. Yellow is the Soul Space color for envelopes, shirts and general info

d. Give a Soul Space T shirt when $600 is reached

e. Wear Soul Space shirts on missions weekend!

f. Develop a shirt to buy as well.

g. Jason will work on the ad campaign

h. Team members who volunteered to help with Thursday morning meetings: Jason, Marvin, Lorrie, Clay, Brandy. 1st meeting 4/10/08 10am.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM


    I am behind you all the way, praying and supporting your decisions. I will pray for the ability to generously support the project financially, because I love this family and want to be able to accomodate EVERY person who comes through our doors!!
