Tuesday, March 04, 2008

day four

The Day Four report.

We started with breakfast at 8:30. But by started, (my impatient men kept pointing out), means we went to the Pastor's house so that they could see that we are ready. There at the Pastor's house we waited an hour while breakfast was made, then "wolfed it down" (as my Mom would say), and headed off to work. Finally we were able to help with construction. We tore into it like caged animals that got out while the big mean zoo keeper was not looking. Sometimes we feel like those animals because we are locked into our buildings at night, and left out in the morning. Even at most times during daylight, the gates are locked and one has to petition the gatekeeper to go out or come in. Security is very tight, even though we have not seen even a hint of a reason for it to be like that.

At the end of the day, there was a lot of blocks laid, a lot more footers dug, and bunches of those earthquake proof pilons with square re-bar. By the end of the day there were also a lot of burnt skin and very sore muscles.

But because the team was too large for all of us to work on the job site, I led a team of about 5 or 6 who were willing to do the even harder work of evangelism. Of course the language barrier prevented us from doing much, but we printed and distributed more than a thousand more our our now-famous flyers. Some people actually scoff at us now that they know what we are doing. We feel almost cool enough to be just slightly persecuted for what we believe in.

We did not have a service Monday night, much to our disappointment. This is a standard thing here I guess, and expected, although a great surprise to us.

As for the puppies, we are happy to report that our nights are now puppy free. And we did not do anything to the dear little creatures! We swear it, your honor.We are simply happy that SOMEONE de-puppied our lives and made sleep possible again. Now we are thinking of turning our sites onto the Hallelujah chorus of ten thousand roosters that start doing their thing about 4:30 am! There is still a good hour of sleep-age available at that time, and we are feeling robbed.

Thanks all for your kind support and help to get us here. Because of your investment, we push a little harder, and strain a bit more. We hope that we are using every penny you gave us to do the utmost for the treasure you are accumulating in Heaven.

We also hope that one day we can give toward the missions trip YOU are called to take.


Gerry Stoltzfoos
Senior Pastor
Freedom Valley Worship Center
3185 York Road Gettysburg, PA. 17325
717-624-3411 www.freedomvalley.org

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