Thursday, March 27, 2008

vision and goals

Dan Wilson had a conversation with me last night about some of our growth plans. he suggested that I consider talking more about growth goals, and laying out vision more clearly. Perhaps he's right and I am praying about it.

In the last few years I have stopped talking about numbers goals, even though I do have them. In 08 for example, I am asking God to help us reach 1600 in average weekly attendance. But to talk about that publicly makes us vulnerable to the accusation that we are all about numbers, not abou healing the pain an individual ight be feeling when they walk through our doors.

But maybe I shouldn't care. Maybe I should boldly profess a vision and simple get over the accusations about being "too big". Maybe by now it is simply something we ought to face with our heads up and not apologizing about it.

There are a number of other things we need to work on that may get us there; 1. helping people get connected better for example. And starting more sites. And advertising more. And raising up more leaders. Perhaps I could communicate these better and the numbers would not even need to be communicated.

The bottom line is, numbers matters because they represent eternal souls.


  1. "The bottom line is, numbers matter because they represent eternal souls."

    "Maybe by now it is simply something we ought to face with our heads up and not apologizing about it."

    I think those two statements are very important to this issue. Gerry, as long as people see your heart (and we do), I don't think we'll ever be accused of being all about numbers.

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