Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Medical Detectives show taping today

Miracle Detective is a brand new book by Randall Sullivan. It is also becoming a TV show for Ophra's new network which begins early next year.

Because of the piece that Nightline did on me with the medical study which seems to medically show that tongues does not come from the message center of the brain, Miracle Detectives contacted me to see if they can do an episode on the relationship between speaking in tongues, and miracles.

Today more than a dozen of us gathered in the sanctuary to pray together, in tongues and in English while they taped us and interviewed some of us afterward. It was an interesting experience.

None of the 7 crew members claimed to be believers in Christ, but both of the two that I ask, said they felt His presence in the room as we prayed. God really moved into our little prayer time, making Himself felt as we called on him in English and in our prayer language.

Then they interviewed Ed Funk and Daniel Barnard about how their lives changed after they were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. Earlier they had also interviewed Sandy Cullison about her medically verifiable healing from tumors, and  other health issues. Cindy Janczyk told about her experience with The Holy Spirit, as did Matt Topper, Jason Shue, and Tyler Belfiore, who just started speaking in tongues last week!

Of course we don't know how editors will spin it, and what the final product will look like. I know that I am a goofy enough guy that they could use these things a lot of different ways. But however God chooses to use me, I am confident that He will orchestrate our feeble efforts for His higher good!

That you-all, who prayed with me.


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Wouldn't you want to know how they will spin it before you commit to doing this? Also, Oprah? She's one of the largest pushers of the new age faith out there, and does not believe that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. I know the Lord works things out for the good, but I think it's a good idea to be careful, as the Word says, with who our associations are. I would think it wouldn't be a good idea to do something that Oprah promotes, no matter the benefits.

  2. I would want to know yes. I would always like to know the future, and be sure every risk I ever take will work out just the way I hoped for. But life is not like that very often.

    I did get verbal commitments that they would 'spin it' respectfully by the way.

    But I don't see Jesus playing it safe. Or any of the apostles he trained- they didn't play it safe either. They prayed for courage to take bold risks, and were willing to risk their very lives for Him. And they all ended up following through and giving it all.

    Maybe one of the biggest ways that I lack in Christ-likeness, is the ability to take enough risks for Him. He spoke to a woman of poor repute at a well, he allowed another unsavory type to wash his feet with tears at dinner, he hung out with sinners and people of confused faith. He worked with questionable disciples and trusted them to become world changers. He openly rebuked crooked leaders, and made risky statements to people who He knew would take it poorly.

    I think he would have taken on Oprah, even if it ended up killing him.

    I cannot promise that all of this will go smoothly every step of the way. But I can promise that He will ultimately make good out of it, because He promised He would. I hope that you will pray with me that God will use it.

  3. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I'm certainly all for associating with others/sinners as long as at the center of that relationship is the goal to encourage them to go deeper in their faith or to attain a faith in Christ. If that's not the point of a friendship, than there's no point. Certainly we are called to that.
    But I think that this is a different thing. Having a Christian ministry appear on a show made by someone who has made clear over the years what she believes, someone who is currently preaching a "different Jesus" than the one you and I believe in, someone who is making it quite a tough thing to reach people for the real Jesus Christ because her followers think they already know the real Christ is different than associating with sinners. I'm all for boldness, but if I were to watch this program, my impression would be less that you are taking on Oprah and challenging her beliefs and more of putting a stamp of approval on what she's doing. If you were debating her beliefs backed up with scripture on this show, that would be something I could get behind.
    I've seen too many ministries compromise trying to be a light, when they need to just be preaching the gospel and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work, not that you aren't doing that. I'm certainly not trying to be difficult, so if it comes off that way, I apologize, just concerned is all.

  4. Do you have the courage to identify yourself?

  5. Anonymous12:06 AM

    There is a line between casting pearls before swine and casting bread upon water to see what may come back.As long as there is no scandal that can be uncovered, even if they spin it in an unfavorable light it seems that putting the practice of true faith in plain view gives God another opportunity to expose himself for who he is to those who don't know Him.

  6. In the past, Oprah Winfrey has promoted "A Course in Miracles" by Mary Ann Williamson. The spirituality that is promoted by Oprah is not Christian, but rather, is very New Age. My only concern would be that the segment filmed at Freedom Valley would make people think that FVWC's ministry is in agreement with what Oprah (and the people she promotes) teaches.

    2 Corinthians 6:14 says, "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?" 2 Peter 2:1 says, "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves." I think we need to be careful not to make it look like we're in anyway approving of false teachers and their false doctrine.

    I hope that this segment clearly proclaims Jesus Christ, and makes it clear that the miracles Christians talk about are not the same "miracles" any false religion is talking about.

    All glory be to God!

  7. Anonymous1:03 AM

    I do not feel the need to identify myself, I'm not sure how that would help. It's not for lack of courage, though I understand why you would think that.
    Maybe I shouldn't have said anything, I just have gotten frustrated with how few Christians are concerned with the new age philosophies that have been appearing in Christian churches, music, books, movies, media in general. It's a different world. The church has gone out to be a light to the world, which we are called to do, but instead of being that light, we have brought some of the world's darkness back to the church, we've watered down the gospel and justified it by saying we're reaching out to the lost.
    I'ts impossible to trust and respect many when they're so deceived, when they're advising you to read books, watch movies, listen to music that is labeled Christian but in complete opposition to the Word of God. When they're raving abou those things it raises questions in my mind about what else they're deceived about. It all comes back to the Bible for me, and praying every day that the Lord gives me discernment to know right from wrong because the devil can disguise himself in light and mix truth with outright wrong. I know I've made bad decisions in my life, and been wrong about many things, but I pray I recognize those things quickly so I don't lead others down a wrong path. I will be praying that this show doesn't mix the truth with lies and that it can lead others to think about what a relationship with Christ might be like, and that they'll pursue one.

  8. Anonymous -

    For far too long the church has allowed itself to play it safe and be absent from the discussion on topics that we should be leading. If we do not speak the truth who will? We need to engage and lead these conversations if we can. Choosing to ignore these discussions creates a vacuum of truth, that then can only be filled by lies and deceitfulness. And in the middle of darkness God's light should shine that much brighter.

    And if I am reading and understanding this correclty, this is a show that will air on her NETWORK, not on her show. I do not see how speaking in tongues and speaking about healing are a comprise of the gospel. I am really having a hard time seeing the justification for some of those statements. Just my $.02

  9. Anonymous9:43 PM

    As I watched you pray in tongues tonight while I watched the show the sensation of the presence of Christ filled my body. I have never before felt this with a TV show, only when praying or in church. My heart warmed and my body felt the love of God entering in as if you were here in the room praying with me. I believe in the power of praying when laying hands. I also believe in the power of tongues. Why do people have problems with believing that a God who created them in his own image would not want them to be whole and healed by his love? I hope one day to be able to ask you some questions I have about how to serve in such a capacity. HUGZ and may God bless all who read this simple blog.

  10. Anonymous9:46 PM

    In reply to those who wonder why he would submit to doing the show prior to knowing what they would do with the info I would say to pray and GOd will lead you. Then put it into his hands and trust him. The show will do good things for those who are to receive. Others it may not reach. But it is his will, not ours, that will be done in the end. Trust in the Lord for he is good.
