Saturday, April 24, 2010

sex talk out takes, experiences, and left overs

I read somewhere that most parents say they had the sex talk with their kids. Most kids say they never had the sex talk with their parents. Interesting discrepancy.

I would guess that Pastors are the same- believe they have taught their people about sex better or more than they really have.

So this weekend we are working at it, at our sites and services. And we are trying to do it in a positive way, talking about how God provided for great sex through marriage, about how men and women should consider it their responsibility to meet each others needs. AND, about how singleness is a gift, not an abnormality or a problem.

I prayed a lot of prayers afterward, with people who have huge regrets concerning their sex lives, or are struggling through a spouse's affair, or cannot seem to get functional again after someone committed a sexual crime on them. And quite a few who messed up sexually but have a very tough time admitting it.

Cause when sex is bad, it can destroy a life. When it is good, it literally adds years to a life. And if you follow the societal shtick about sex these days, you are statistically certain to get very little of it, and regret what you got deeply.

We need a sexual life swap- a whole new way of thinking. The Bible has it, and with the grace of God, I hope to try to set some people  free this week.

1 comment:

  1. "Cause when sex is bad, it can destroy a life. When it is good, it literally adds years to a life. And if you follow the societal shtick about sex these days, you are statistically certain to get very little of it, and regret what you got deeply."

