Saturday, April 17, 2010

Butwal, Nepal, will never be the same

Right now, a bunch of Pastors are sitting together to figure out how to take care of about 2000 decisions for Christ here in Butwal, Nepal.

What a wonderful problem! The options might include planting more churches, which generally happens if current churches get overwhelmed with follow up. But they are working on what has to be any Pastor's favorite problem ever.

The three day Butwal Signs and Wonders Festival is over. We asked God and believed for at least 1500 salvations, but ended up handing out all 2000 decision booklets that were provided by SOS, Johannes Amritzer's ministry. Now the churches get to figure out how to handle it all.

I think the number I heard was that hundreds got filled with the Holy Spirit, including many Pastors. Several hundred Pastors were trained in seminars. Many healings were documented, and I forget- maybe 70 (?) were delivered of evil spirits.

And I can see why Jeff Leake told me I would be permanently addicted to these events. It was breath-taking to me. I wept a lot as I watched hundreds stream into the Kingdom of God each night.

And then I felt something unexpected. Jealousy! I felt jealousy for my city! I want to see hundreds or thousands stream into the Kingdom (over three days) in Gettysburg! I want to see demons cast out by the score, and healings documented, and baptisms in the Holy Spirit, and ... Pastors sitting around trying to figure out what to do with all the harvest.

What would it take to do this? We were dreaming up some ideas... just to see if we could dream it. Like, how about if we planned a festival like this outdoors somewhere in the Gburg area. Maybe we could bring in some national recording artists to draw a crowd, then have Johannes preach. Maybe each night should be a different target crowd, (or like three events back to back). One might be like with the Jonas Brothers, to target the very young. Another night might be with Carrie Underwood to reach the Country music crowd. Maybe a Nascar night, or a Civil War Re-enactors night, or a Biker's thing, or ... I don't know. ... Creative types, help me!

If a way could be found to bring in hundreds or even thousands into The Kingdom, would we do it?

Could we NOT do it?

1 comment:

  1. Gettysburg has, and will, mean "freedom" to countless thousands because of the blood that was shed for them. I want to see more of that!
