Wednesday, August 02, 2006

cool stuff on a hot day

It was awesome again to see all those kids all over the church property learning together, laughing, and (hopefully) making strong commitments to God. Lots of those families are new to us, and I am hoping that some of them partner up with us to followJesus. Way to go Rick and Alicia and that huge, wonderful team of volunteers. They show up cheerfully in the blazing heat to make a difference in the life of sports minded kids.

I also loved sitting in on (6 minutes of) Adam Ritter's sermon. He is becoming a real man of God and I love the prospect of partnering up with him to affect lives for eternity through our student ministries and Gettysburg Master's Commission. He's the real deal and an anointed communicator. I love that awesome youth ministry these days!

I personally have so much to learn about leadership. Recently I have become painfully aware at how our ability to affect our counties with the gospel is so hampered by my smallness. Please pray that God will open my mind and teach me so much more about leading people to their Creator-God.


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Yes, Gerry I came by the church tuesday evening and saw all those kids outside. I just thought about how dedicated the leaders were there out in the heat. Blessings to them.
    I too believe Adam is a good leader. Actually I dont know if you are aware of the fact that Donald and I are 2nd cousins. Our moms are first cousins so that makes Adam and Jen and Lawrence III and Christina 3rd cousins, Guess that's taking it a little too far. Oh well, we are proud of him too!
    I continue to pray for you and Freedom Valley. Your friend, Linda Stanhope

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM


    You haven't blogged lately... hope you're doing well and God's blessings have been generous. Love the new series "When Faith DOesn't Work" - you're an amazing speaker and your team is terrific.

    Wendy Raber

  3. Anonymous2:22 PM

    hampered in?

    p.s. you haven't blogged in a while...what's up with that.
