Thursday, September 07, 2006

God is so good to me

Sometimes I feel completely wrong for asking God for one more thing after all that He has done for me. He is ridiculously and unfairly good to me and I don't even understand it. But He told me to ask anyway, so I ask.

He is healing me. Today I actually couldn't wait to get to work- a feeling that was once common and daily, but recently has been pretty rare.

I need so much more wisdom to lead. I am asking God to give us the ability to make each worship service and each small group event so full of God's heart and so healing to His people that the Holy Spirit can send us the hurting, people who feel lost, and those who search for meaning in life.

Thanks for praying with me...


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Lord, we thank you for the commitment of our Pastor Gerry. We agree for continued renewal & rejuvenation of his love for ministry & service to his church family. God, send a sense of passion and fire in the hearts of our worshippers; send a knowingness of unity and a flood of inspiration into your children. Give us the willingness to receive your outpourings, so that we can be ready to demonstrate the gospel of Christ's love to those in need. Hallelluia.

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    We are still praying for you, and all of the Pastors and leaders of FVWC.

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Thank you so much for your humble and willing heart. We do so appreciate that in you. Kyle and I pray for you and your family every morning before I leave for work. We also pray for other leaders and ministries for God's blessings and protection, wisdom and guidance for what He would have us do.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I may be new here, but I feel such a sense of growth - of new and exciting things to come in the VERY near future!! It is my pleasure to be a new partner in Christ with all of you, and I look forward to being a productive, contributing member of the family.

