Tuesday, May 06, 2008

In a few weeks (June 18-22) Johannes Amritzer will be with us again. Give me souls, or I die! I am trying to pray more bold, outrageous, stretching, breakthrough prayers. PLEASE join me.

I am crying, begging, desperately reaching out to God for:

The ability for us to see those around us who do not know Jesus
A deep love for our unconnected neighbors
Favor in our unsaved neighbors' eyes
A God moment to talk to them about our faith, and invite them to church
Faith to reach the most unGodly
Faith to win Satan's biggest leaders in the community!
To turn those leaders-for-Satan into great leaders for God!
That at least 5 drug dealers would get saved
To bring in 100 new families during that week
Great anointing in make disciples
Break though in finances ($20,000 a week in tithes)
That hundreds of our barely connected people, would get deeply connected to Christ and one another
That new addiction breaking skills, would be found
That God would raise up 100 new leaders!
That God would raise up 5 (each) new evangelists/ worship leaders/Pastors/Apostles/Prophets/Teachers in our church

1 comment:

  1. My heart cry is this prayer also Thanks for providing succinct format to join in concert with you before the throne.
