Sunday, April 06, 2008

11 ways to kill pride

Sven Bengsston's 11 ways to identify pride

1. talks about self
2. wants the glory
3. is not impressed by others
4. is a bad listener
5. lies to maintain a false front
6. lies to avoid embarrassment
7. will not admit wrong
8. has a hard time asking for help
9. wants to be different
10. is demanding
11. always wants to be boss

If you want, you can watch or listen to this message at, in the sermons section. Hopefully you will be helped as much as I was!

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely going to check out this message on pride. Last week one of my guys I'm discipling told me that he wants to study pride and humility more in the this looks like a resource I can point him to. Can you think of worthwhile books to recommend on this subject?

    For the Cause,

    Brian Francis Hume
