Saturday, October 03, 2009

unmovable objects, the unstoppable message and stubborness

We are currently in a series of exploration to allow God to REDEFINE CHURCH in us. Specifically, we are devouring the Book of Acts to discover how concepts that Jesus taught, were lived out in real life.

This week, we are discovering what happens when an unstoppable force (God) moves on an immovable object (prison walls)and sets people free. The ultimate lesson? That the real issue is stubborn hearts, not prison walls, or people who disagree with us.

Stubborn hearts? Really?

These stubborn hearts masqueraded as having good intentions. Whether good intended or not, they were headed for a collision course with God, even while insisting that they were performing His wishes!

Which begs introspection: is there any area where I have myself believing that my intentions are good, when I am actually being stubborn? Are there things I would fight for, that I am convinced are right, but are actually fighting against God?

Biblical history suggests that it is not uncommon for people 'of faith' to find themselves on the wrong side of God because they are unwilling to go to the next level with Him. They use their 'faith' as an excuse to be stubborn preventing God from working, and calling it "faithful".

Father, I must have done this -perhaps even more than I know. Please help me not do it anymore. I repent of stubbornness when I refused to move with you and what you wanted to do.

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