Friday, February 27, 2009

Healing is so cool

At a family gathering a year or two ago, we were up against some new challenges; my brother-in-law was diagnosed with some kind of cancer, and a family friend was suffering terribly with a horribly damaged spinal cord. 

I'm not a doctor and don't know enough about either of these sistautions to speak intelligently about the exact conditions. But today in Tampa, I met the mentioned family friend at lunch when suddenly that memory of praying over him and my brother-in-law at a family thing, came back.

The family had gathered round. Not all of us believe that healing is part of our birthright in Christ.  But all of us believed the best we could, and God did the cool stuff- the healing. And adding good quality years to the lives of precious people that we love.

My brother-in-law is doing well, with cancer on the run, instead of him in the grave. And the family friend's back? He is back at work and doing well, no pain.

The power of healing given to people of faith, is way underestimated. Researchers have confirmed that people of faith live an average of 10 years longer, enjoy it more, live healthier, heal faster, make more money, have better sex, and report more satisfaction with life in general.

It's a cool way to live life. I love God for letting me have a life like this one.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Motorcycle therapy

I cannot get on my motorcycle without thinking of my friend Jonas Beiler. He used to tell me about how his motorcycle provided the finest therapy known to man, and that some people could get a lot of help riding.

I always laughed at him, and told him he was justifying his hobby.

But then, 10 years ago or so, Julie's uncle sold her his bike. One day I decided to ride it. I had not not ridden for more than 20 years. I was hooked. I told Julie soon after,  that I everybody I meet comments about how I am grinning every time they meet me on the road on that bike.

It happened again today. On our way to Florida, we pulled into the Florida Welcome Center and unloaded our motorcycles. 2 miles later, I noticed it again- I was grinning from ear to ear! Prayer is better, thinking is sweeter, and life just completely takes on a better hue. I used to think it was the wind in my heair that did it... but the lack of hair alters that theory significantly. Yet the grinning persists.

I've had about 4 hours of 'therapy' today. I feel so much better. And the 79 degree day yieldeda touch of sunburn to boot.

God loves me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

heart clarity

Forgiveness is simple and clear enough, right? Somebody does something hurtful, and I am left with the after math.

If they asked for forgiveness and are repentant, then it's pretty simple. I can forgive and love to do it.

But if they have not asked for forgiveness, and I am hurting over what they did, then it's more difficult. I still need to forgive, for my sake, because to not forgive makes me bitter, stresses me out,  and ages me prematurely.

But I also need to learn something from that relationship and grow. The challenge is learning how to give that relationship less power in my heart, yet forgive the person for what hurts so much. 

I find that much more challenging.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

great letter

I was very impressed by this letter from Jeff Wilson (Pastor, Heritage Assembly) to the group of churches that are considering joining us for Harvest Cry... Thi is a really good word for us.

Good morning Men of God,
I was reflecting on the meeting with Johannes from a week ago.  What a tremendous time it was to be with you all and to feel the Father's pleasure as we came together.
I can't help but to think that principalities and powers stood back as they saw the beginnings of what we could do if we were united.
I appreciated the leaders meeting before the service and thought and told Gerry that I felt he did an excellent job of presenting.
The thing that impressed me was that for that moment we were together in this thing.  It was nothing short of glorious.  I cannot tell you how much love I have for all of you.  You are my brothers and I thank God for each of you and the gift that you are to the body of Christ.
Having said that I want to caution us as to how fragile a thing unity is.  Several times over the last two decades I have been a part of prayer groups that were on the verge of doing something together for God.  Those same principalities and powers that stood still for a money are working now.  And the sad thing is that they are working in us. 
R.T. Kendal wrote that "the Holy Spirit comes on foot, and He leaves on horseback."  We need to handle this Kingdom very carefully.  Let's be careful how we speak of and to one another in this hour.  Let's put old grievances aside and bury them for the sake of the Kingdom. 
If we are to do something together God will use each of the gifts we are to the body.  The Holy Spirit is smart enough to know our bents.  Each of us and our individual fellowships are a part of the whole, and each is needed to do what God is doing in this region.
The evangelist in one works alongside of the church planter, the discipler, the teacher, the prophet, intercessor and so forth.  We need each other. 
Brothers, I implore you, let's walk carefully in this hour. 
I want you to know that my vision 23 years ago was to see churches planted around Heritage.  When it happened, I was angry and what I was angry about was that it wasn't me doing it.  God has and is helping me to deal with me.  We have a need for strong ethnic works here in the area, there are areas, cultural groups and peoples that may never attend our churches, but that is not to say that they won't attend something geared to them.
If Carl Harris and First Baptist would plant a church, I would be behind him 100% because I know Carl and  love him.  Furthermore, I trust Carl, his heart, his passion, his integrity.  The same could be said for Jim, Gerry, the Bobs or anyone else. 
It may or may not happen.  We may be a couple of years from seeing it come together or it could come together miraculously.  If we won't work together, God will send in others who will.  I know that the Evangelical Free Church was looking to plant in this area, as were the Free Methodists.  If they send folks in, will we love them, embrace their particular qualities that are different than ours, and accept them?  I would hope so.  
For the sake of the Kingdom of God, let's give each other the benefit of the doubt, and work with rather than against one another.
I think you know me well enough to know, I honor you all and feel privileged to be in an area where men of God are meeting together, and going beyond the surface in our relationships.
For Christ's Kingdom,
Jeff Wilson

Monday, February 16, 2009

This keeps getting better

So, we hope to plant some more churches.

But what if we got a LOT better at helping struggling churches turn themselves around? Wouldn't it be great if we found more ways for more existing churches to do really well at helping people?

The feeling among most Pastors that I talk to, is that revitalizing a church is much harder than planting a new one.

I hear that Jim Ruddy and the really great church he leads (Bethel Assembly, Littlestown) are doing just that, and doing it well! This is very exciting stuff, and something we all do well to learn from. It would benefit our community greatly to have more churches thrive.

So, church plants AND church revitalization's! This could be really, really awesome!

Friday, February 13, 2009

More churches being invited

Johannes called me yesterday to inquire about how the project was coming. He said that in their prayer time yesterday, God moved mightily and they were all moved to pray for Gettysburg for an extended period. He also told me that he felt The Holy Spirit's excitement about this project, and felt that God will do great things though it!

We prayed together and Johannes asked for more than 30 churches to get involved with this. I joined him. Then I sent out more invitations. Please pray with me that God will attach more people to the concept of reaching their friends and neighbors with forgiveness, love, eternal life, healing, and the power of God!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Great news!

The best news ever! (okay, in a long time)

Jason Fitch and I had lunch with Mark Chester of Gettysburg Foursquare, and Jeff Wilson of Heritage Assembly. BOTH men said they want to seriously consider being a church planting sponsor!!! This is awesome news! I am so excited about this, I feel like I've just been handed a million bucks. These two guys are willing to check it out, and possibly lead the group! This is very, very exciting stuff. Please pray that God will help them and bless them.

I wanna shout a little louder than before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exciting stuff

This morning I had an interesting meeting with the group of pastors who want to be part of Harvest Cry. There was a nice buzz in the room as a result of our meeting at Bethel last Sunday night. Almost everyone was positive and very excited.

There was only one Pastor of a non-Pentecostal church in the room. As we talked about involving more churches, he did seem to feel as if it could be a stumbling block to non-Pentecostal churches when they see just how Pentecostal Johannes really is.

God help us encourage them to consider supporting this and giving it a chance, even though it will stretch them. And then help us support their stuff, even though it is different from ours! And help us be clear and honest about who we are and who Johannes is, so that no one can possibly feel ripped off.

There was also a few concerns about the church planting process. I'll try to express them here, so that we all can pray about them and seek the Lord's heart on how to handle them.

Objections: 1. "Where will these new churches be planted? Sometimes new churches are being planted wherever without regard to the existing churches, and those existing church Pastors are offended by the plant, because the planter did not announce himself and seek their permission."
Answer: We will do our best to notify Pastors, and let them know. We will try hard not to needlessly offend as we follow Jesus.

Objection 2: "Will the new church teams be the only ones working the altars at the crusade? Why can't the rest of us reap some of the harvest as well?
Answer: No of course not. All churches will be needed to work the altars. Evangelism is relational meaning those who brought possible new converts will likely be the ones to reap the harvest of those new converts.

Objections3: "I don't know all of these new church planters. What if I don't trust them and would not want new believers to connect with them?"
Answer: You will have opportunity to meet them, and you will have to trust us somewhat with them, like you trust us. We think you will love them, but you will have to decide for yourself, as we would if you planted one

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The path forward has a lot of backward in it

So our Sunday night multi-church event with Johannes at Bethel was a powerful night in my mind. I was very excited and felt like God is moving us forward significantly.

Today was a little less fun. One friend suggested that my vision is completely wrong headed. Another said he is too busy to help.

I am too sensitive. I first felt hit in the gut, like the wind was knocked out of me. I had a hard time getting anything done.

But after some time to think and pray, I feel much better. Why should they get excited about what God called me to do? Why should I expect them to love it, go along with it, or think highly of it? My call is my call and I intend to try to be faithful to my little thing, no matter what they choose to do. It's often somewhat lonely being true to the thing that is ours to do, and it's easy to look instead at what everybody else ought to do. 

God help me not do that.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

I love the pay off

The build up and work involved in reaping a great harvest, are not always fun. We've been through some petty accusations, outright lies, and painful comments. Satan hit us with his worst forces, I guess.

But the payoff is so worth it.

Tonight I saw the beginnings of a great payoff. Saturday night service was packed, pumped, and fruitful. Many salvations, and something like 49 baptisms in the Holy Spirit.

I can really feel God up to something here. And I am starting to see it too. I believe tomorrow is going to be a whole new level of God at work. I don't believe it is even a small exxageration to say that it will be world changing, community shaking, and way outside the comfortable little box that we are used to.

And tomorrow night at Bethel will be another amazing thing.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Freedom House and Cindy Janczyk

This morning, (though it's my day off), my phone has been hot with messages that would indicate that Satan has launched a serious attack.

For example, Freedom House is struggling through serious discipline issues, accusations, and discomforting attacks of all kinds. Please pray for Jake Lewis, director, and Ed Funk, in-house director, as they work through it. Ed has been pretty beaten up already as attacks have gotten personal and Satan throws accusations out about every weakness that he can find and exploit. We have had months of really good stuff out of there, but we are now under attack and need your prayers today!

Also, while I was on that call, I got a call from Cindy Janczyk. She had offered classes on Godly relationships at Gettysburg College, only to be attacked as a bigot, homo-phobe, and a hater, all of which she is decidedly NOT! And while these attacks are ridiculous, they nevertheless hurt if you are the one being lied about.

As we move toward an incredibly life changing weekend (Johannes in all our services, and then a huge meeting at Bethel on Sunday night), Satan is working hard to undermine all that we are doing. For the past few years, the attacks were mostly on me. It would appear that now Satan's tactic has been to destroy certain leaders.

Thanks so much for praying! I am much comforted that when under attack, I am in the body of Christ, where your prayers carry me through difficulty.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Looking for one brave church to get it started

So far, Harvest Cry and the subsequent church planting project, are well into the planning stages. I have 12 incredible area churches that have expressed interest in being involved. Most of them will be at Bethel Sunday night to meet Johannes. All of them seem interested in partnering with us to reach our community.

Here at Freedom Valley, God has supplied about 7 leaders that are exploring whether they should plant a church.  I am asking God to show us 8 more, and I feel fairly confident that I will get them. Tomorrow night some of them are already meeting to encourage each other, share ideas, and discuss how to move it forward. It is the beginning of a series of such meetings. Very exciting stuff.

Yet, so far I think I do not yet have one area church (out of the 12 supportive churches  mentioned above) that has expressed definite interest in parenting a church plant. I am somewhat surprised by that.  But I understand that it is a scary thing the first time.

There will be one courageous church that will get it started. Others will follow if there is one.

Lord, let there be that one.