Sunday, October 28, 2007
moving forward
I love this gospel and the Jesus that it heralds. He is everything to me. My small thinking and faulty attempts to live out what I preach, and meet a few needs, is all I got to offer. At the end of giving it all on a Sunday, it seems awfully small.
And yet, somehow, satisfying in that as flimsy as my best is, I still gave my best.
Friday, October 26, 2007
the farm deal, freedom house, and mike blank
This morning I spent a few hours helping Mike and Willi Blank move. Wow. it is an amazing feat to move a farm. I must say I am moved by what Mike built there at the old place. He has become quite a farmer. Even hearing his joy in his plants there, and feeling sad about leaving some of them behind mostly because he is running out of time, is amazing. He obviously found his calling.
My back is very sore from the fencing removal job I helped with- pulling fence out of the weeds, wrapping it up, and pulling the fence posts out.
This afternoon we toured the farm next door where Bob Foster wants us to consider buying form him. The farm lies across Centennial Road from us. 32.6 acres, a house and 3 or ... 6 sheds, I don't know. A 100 seat sanctuary building where the church meets, and and $800,000 price tag.
I sure would love to own it, but as of now I have not a clue (or a faith plan) on how to pay for it. I am asking God for one, however. We could do a lot with that property.
This evening we had an encouraging meeting about the Freedom House. We made a lot of progress, and agreed to meet weekly for the next 4 weeks, hopefully crafting a much better plan by the end of November and being ready to open much better organized by December. Our first need; an assistant leader. And a few more members on that weekly steering team.
We worked on identifying some things we need. A lot of things actually. The list is:
a. Sunday person to cover for Jake to have a full day off.
b. communications ; daily or at least frequent communications with the helping team (Peggy)
c. bible study organizer (Jerome)
d. potluck dinner organizer
e. board team; weekly meetings,
f. mentor for each man
g. assistant leader
h. counselor to meet with each one and build vision and a personalized plan.
i. A Graduation date.
j. privileges list
k: Induction process;
1. decision made by Marv/Jake/Julie
2. 48 hours grace period
3. meeting with Marv/Jake/Julie before approval
4. signed contract agreeing to written rules
5. personal growth plan
2. a house is needed; wayne and lorrie's place is the one we expect to use.
3. don't even re-open until there is a 2nd leader
All in all, a very excellent week after a tough start on Monday! Thank you Holy Spirit for leading forward in spite of... well, me. Hopefully many men will know you the way I do and better, and we will get to see life change and discipleship happen routinely.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
the farm next door
Anyway, I'll pray about it.
We also booked tickets today for 3 of us to go to the Dominican Republic just before Christmas to explore the project we hope to help with there in March.
Also today, God gave us several more ideas about how the Freedom House could possibly work after we move. That is very exciting. I really want to make this ministry to the least, last, and lost, work.
And this evening, our volunteer work crew made great progress on Third Place! And, we also made great progress on a plan to make it work!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
heroes of faith are being made
These are the main reasons why I believe 2008 is going to be an amazing year. When we stretch ourselves to live life at a higher level, God inclines His ear to us, I think.
That's a lot to be happy about. Don't tell me that all Americans are selfish, uncaring, and all about looking out for number one. I know some real modern day heroes who care deeply about reaching their neighbors, and effectively making a difference for God.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
This weekend
We are celebrating what God has done; an annual tribute to the ministries, people, and opportunities He has given us. After each service, there will be a short tour of The Ministries Center, and food to eat while browsing the ministries.
We will also be asking each individual to consider getting involved with our stewardship campaign, where we attack our mortgage and work at getting it paid off. We'll show Rich Randall's research where he shows that we are on track to get our debt paid off 6 years earlier than expected, saving us just under $300,000! We will celebrate what God has done in getting us this far, and ask Him to help us get further down the road toward being debt free.
This year we are asking God for at least an additional $50,000 (over payments) on that debt, so that we can get it reduced more quickly. This will require a miracle, and we are boldly asking God for one.
Pray with me for miracles!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
exciting missions news
We shared a report of Candace and Aaron's exciting trip to Lesotho, then talked about our 4 planned trips for 08. (Dominican Republic- March 1-9, LA Dream Center May 2-10, Nepal August, and Armenia in October).
Our plan is to do another Red Envelop offering in February, and then do a reverse Red Envelope offering in July, to get people involved in giving toward these missions investments.
And about 6 months ago, God gave me a vision about taking better care of Freedom Valley's spiritual children. I believe this means more investment in our own missionaries, and those sent out from this house.
This is very exciting stuff! More people experiencing missions in strategic places, will help them catch a vision for the harvest. Their own faith will be strengthened, and their passion for the world will result in stronger outreach at home as well as in those foreign places. We will see God's Kingdom advance forcefully and help populate Heaven with the souls of men and women from around the world.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
end of an angry day
Today I spent an hour with a man whose drug addiction killed his marriage, a woman whose husband's infidelity's looks like it will kill hers, a teen whose Dad left the family to do drugs, some gorgeous little girls whose Mom committed suicide over a drug high, talked on the phone with a man who kept catching his wife doing pot with their son, and spent time driving the roads to talk a man back into the Freedom House. I also talked to two Pastors who are discouraged enough by criticisms to simply want to quit, and a missionary who can't seem to get support for his very successful mission work from his peers.
It feels like I left some things out. But the bottom line is, I'm tired, frustrated, and a bit angry. I love what I do, but somewhere I hit overload.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
what would it look like?
If one had unlimited finances, time, and talent, how would one do it?
There are 10 million people in the 200 miles surrounding us that do not currently attend church. If we started there, what would it look like to make a difference in the culture?
How would Jesus do it?
ending Late Service
The other services are growing rapidly, which adds excitement and passion to them. I don't know what we will do when they are too full, but God will make a way, I'm sure.
Friday, October 12, 2007
I wanna see the harvest
I often see it as sparse. I need to see it like Jesus sees it.
There are so many people who wish to crowd into The Kingdom. Here in Pennsylvania, some researchers say that less than 15% attend church at least monthly. That leaves me something like 10 million people to harvest into The Kingdom right here in PA alone.
How do we reach them? How do we even make a real difference? How can I, by the time I retire, be part of increasing this number to 20% or more? By my little calculations, that means that we would increase The Kingdom by half a million church attendees!
Our tiny little efforts have got to increase in effectiveness. I feel so small in my ability to see even how to do that! Maybe I should start by seeing how ripe the harvest already is, I don't know.
God help me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
tough day
Perhaps I just need to know how to pray. I always find that the toughest. Knowing how to pray and what to ask for is always the hardest part.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
new churches (or sites) coming
I could feel it in my soul- 4 new churches are one day coming. Hundreds of new followers of Jesus. All these people that I hope to meet in heaven one day. I don't see int physically yet, but I saw it spiritually tonight in a very real way, which is a first for me on this particular journey.
Our newest churches are not flourishing yet like I think they should. Somewhere it feels to me that we are a little off step there and I'm not sure why. Father, help us find a way to reach people better, and stay focused on eternal things.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
what a day
I know how powerful it is inside of me when I use my prophetic gift. I feel like I am the person I was called to be when I am speaking encouragement, comfort, and strengthening into His people. Knowing that you would think I would do it constantly, and systematically. Instead, it seems like I do it sparingly. God help me do it more, and more publicly over more people.
Tonight's prophetic words spoken over my leaders is powerful to my soul, and obviously moving to them. What a group of wonderful people God gave me! I could walk into almost anything surrounded by them.
So it always feels so good when at the end of a weekend it feels like He let me hit it out of the park again.
Friday, October 05, 2007
writing prophetic words
great progress on future building projects
Just for review, the problem is, our services are filling up, and while we can add another service or two, building another building is at least a 2-3 year process. So we are starting now for something that we may not acutely need for another 2-3 years.
In the meantime, we are considering another service, or possibly even moving the 11am service off-site to a larger location such a high school auditorium.
But in the meantime, we need an indoor riding arena. hen soon, we will need another auditorium.
We considered a lot of option, but it looks like for now we will be building a large indoor riding arena, and that it might be able to be built next year. Angela Becker's Construction Engineer expertise, along with Dean Plank, Eric Gladhill, Clarence Andrew, and Ken Becker's help in various areas and ways, means that we could get this going juch sooner than expected. New Technology means that it could be done on our property ALONG with a future sanctuary expansion. This s great stuff!
Not that there are not huge mountains to climb. I get that. But God has given me some gifts of faith to speak to these mountains, and they are already moving! Hopefully all of this will result in more people walking into Heaven with us, and more people living abundant lives here.
"Let your Kingdom come, on earth..."
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Recently a Pastor friend declared; "money is never your problem, and money is never your solution". Or something like that. "All you need is an opportunity."
Maybe he is right. Or maybe all you need is a God-idea.
I sense a God idea coming concerning some serious development and progress over the next year. I think I already see 4 or 5 huge pieces falling into place, where we make huge strides forward. But I sense that there is much more coming.
Recently, we seem to have stumbled on an idea that looks like it could cause us to build a major addition onto our facility IN CASH! These are incredibly major developments, a gift of faith, I believe.
In addition to that, we discovered that our recent hard work has gotten us on track to be 6 years ahead of schedule and just under $300,000 in interested saved in our quest to pay off our mortgages of 1.2 million.
One of newest site churches (Cowboy church) has recently surged in attendance and fruitfulness, with more good ideas coming right behind it. This ministry represents a huge new way into the Kingdom for many people. A quick guess would be that at least 1/3 of the attendees do not attend church anywhere else. It's creative, wholesome, fun, and creative, and offers things that no other ministry anywhere seems to offer.
God is up to great things!