Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Freedom House, discipleship, book

Some current prayer items;

I seem to be getting a lot of response to this sermon series.
Stuff about people starting on a road to healing. I'm praying that
they find it, and never hurt like this again.

I need time to think through and hear the Holy Spirit on a couple
of pressing challenges. Over the next three days I am taking a
short trip to pray through on these items. God help me hear!

Freedom House is on schedule to open this weekend! Leadership
is coming into place, funds are coming in, and lots of household
items have been collected. Now we need clients, work for them
to do, andlife change to happen.

I want to re-write our school of the Word curriculum to make
it more about open Bible study. I need God's help with that.

Thanks everybody for your prayers!