Friday, April 27, 2007

Freedom House challenges and tranforming leaders

We asked God for $5000 for Freedom House by May 1. We have about $1300.

I am holding on by faith. Meanwhile, our plan for leadership of that
house needs adjustment. In fact we need a new leader for at least the
first 6 months. Everything rises and falls on leadership.

Also, I just became aware of how certain risks I took on the character
of key leaders exploded in my face recently. Which is to say they fell
again. Ouch. I cannot even explain why that hurts, but it does.

Leadership takes courage, and tonight I need an extra dose of it.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

check out the Hanover paper today... and pray, will you, please?

The Hanover Evening Sun today has a great article on our upcoming
"Holy Spirit" night today. Go to: (paste this into your
browser) to see it. God is really doing something with this. I would
also encourage you to send this on to your friends so that they can come
or bring whomever they wish to our one-night event next week. Already we
seem to be getting quite a few calls about it, and a lot of interest,
partly because of the Nightline thing.
Reminder: Next Wednesday April 25 we are doing a one night teaching
on the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. It starts at 7pm. We will
show the Nighline thing again, after which I will teach line upon line
what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit. We will close the service,
after which persons who wish to receive it for themselves will be
welcomed to stay and receive.
Because of the numbers of people expressing interest about this, we
will be joining UnCut in the Sanctuary (Pastor Jay graciously invited us
in) so that they too can appreciate and enjoy this teaching.
I need you to pray! Would you fast with me at least one day between
now and next Wednesday? As you know a Holy Spirit filled person is a
powerful thing. I wonder what 20 or 30 newly filled people would be like
around here! If after next Wednesday we have several dozen newly filled
people who are reaching their friends, caring about the pain of the
people around them, and generally acting like Jesus, we will have a
powerful new move of God among us.
